
How To Develop A Successful Micro Business In 2021

Mashum Mollah 7 July, 2021
micro business

Are you thinking of opening a business? Do you want to build a successful micro business? Below are some steps that might help you to create a good foundation for your business.

Building flourishing small businesses can be very challenging at any point and time. However, after the global pandemic, building a successful micro business may seem more complex than ever before. This should not discourage you from opening up a business despite the many challenges you may face while in the process. There may be good opportunities also.

Some of the usual problems in opening and managing local businesses that may hinder the business’s success are; lack of adequate capital, losing customers, lack of name recognition, poor brand loyalty, and lack of interaction with target customers.

Fortunately, for every problem, there is always a solution on how to correct a wrong turn. Business ideas may be successful if the business owner does the following; look for enough capital, retain the customers, have good name recognition, build a good brand, interact with customers, and have good customer service.

Here are some of the ways in which your micro business may succeed in 2021;

1. Enough Capital For Your Micro Business

Enough Capital For Your Micro Business

Funding a micro business can be very challenging right from the start. Therefore, it would be best to have detailed business ideas of the company’s objective and demand. You should also create an awareness that persuades the money lenders that your entrepreneur ideas have the potential to grow.

Your first investment needs may differ depending on the type of micro business you decide to start. However, this should not rule out the chance of you needing financial support due to your business being small. Even if you may guarantee the products yourself, other factors may require funding in the later stages.

Many local businesses go through a difficult time opening and operating due to a lack of enough funds. This is from a study conducted by financial specialists. Fundamentally, you may not operate your small businesses with inadequate funds. Even though the launch might be successful, you may not continue funding the business’s day-to-day activities.

The best time to look for funds is usually before the launch of the micro business. This will ensure that the business runs smoothly, therefore, having a successful business. There are several ways in which you may find funding. These ways include; crowdfunding, angel investor, family, and friends, or even banks. Funding from these sources should be allocated correctly for the success of the micro business.

2. Know Your Target Market

Know Your Target Market

If you are still planning about the business or it has already launched, data is very vital for success and research. Knowing the customer audience even before the launch of the micro-business will be very vital. This may not seem as important as it sounds but will be of significant impact once the business is operating.

With a detailed idea of your customer audience, you may; make sure your products are appealing to consumers, have a good idea of how to market, interact with customers in a way they like, spot areas with the most potential and build good brand loyalty.

The significance of having an exclusive connection should always be high. Knowing various facts about customers you are engaging with makes the micro-business more effective. Therefore, running a smooth and successful business will be possible.

3. Building Your Brand Before Launching

Building Your Brand Before Launching

Branding and marketing experts always talk about the benefits of branding for a micro business. Where do you think branding will be most effective?

A statistic might help you answer the question asked above. As stated by research, about 80% of customers say that originality is always vital in the choice of supporting a brand. The image of the brand should match with what the brand does. Therefore, you should create a good branding image before the brand is launched.

Branding should not be only about marketing your micro business. Although marketing is essential, you may need to consider other factors. You should harmonize the branding, promise to consumers, and the message across all mediums. All these should be on point according to the plan of your entrepreneur ideas. 

This illustrates that all your branding activities should coincide with your business ideas, from concept to actualization. If you manage to achieve this, it will help your brand grow as customers associate with your brand. 

A brand’s content is usually accessible on the company’s website. You should make sure your website contains all of your information and is functional to all customer groups. You should also create links that bring traffic back to your website. Your brand should maintain a visual color and logo style that the customers will identify quickly.

 The color and visual appearance should have a meaning behind it and not just be designed for the sake of it. Continuing to shape the brand when the micro business is operating is also very important. This will help the business compete with other similar enterprises.

4. Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing

Your micro business should have a heavy presence on social media platforms. This is primarily why marketing firms usually advise companies to create verified social media accounts. The micro-business will reach more than 60% of the world’s population, making it an effective marketing tool. So, you should not only hear about this and ignore it as you may cause damage to your business.

Different social media applications host different sets of people. For example, an audience you will find on Facebook will not be the same as an audience you will find on Instagram. Therefore, you should advertise on the platforms that meet your customer target.

Not having a good social media presence lowers the success rate of your micro business. This is because many customers usually go to social media to research new or existing brands before purchasing products.

Social media does not only create brand awareness but also creates brand loyalty. This has been proved by studies all over the world. As people usually look for a group or team to have a sense of belonging. Your brand’s social media presence makes effective marketing strategies that create more purchase opportunities from your customers. 

A company always has a story to tell. This story is usually influenced by the way you decide to market your small business. It is an aspect many fail to consider but is usually very crucial to the growth of a business.

A company story mainly connects the business to its customers. This brings out the authenticity of a business as clients can relate to the business’s journey of success. In addition, the customers can have a sense of belonging as you have been engaging since the beginning of the business, which is a fantastic way to build customer loyalty if you come to think of it.

5. Tell The Story Of Your Business

Tell The Story Of Your Business

Telling the business’s story may be even more crucial for small businesses. If you’re a new business owner, having enough funds will not necessarily make your business successful. Having an exclusive interaction with your customers will really help the newly opened business. This will make customers feel valued and spread the good news about your business. Word of mouth is a priceless mode of marketing as you’ll get free referrals and trust from new customers.

If your customer base is in love with your brand, your brand will grow faster. This is because your customers will defend and advertise your products to everyone around them. Thus, helping you reach a larger group of people at no cost creating a successful business.

Having your story out in the open with a heartfelt, touching, and entertaining twist will be good for the business. You may even incorporate some personal stories attached to different customers, creating some attachment to the brand. In addition, this may help start some new personal connections with potential clients, which may last for a lifetime.

6. Create A Great Team

Create A Great Team

A business is usually built on good entrepreneur ideas. However, these ideas do not determine if they will be successful or not. Success often depends on the interaction between you and the customer audience. In the long run, the success of a micro business is determined by the strength of the workers.

You may have gone to a mall or a business complex, asked for help from the workers, but you have not received good help from any employee. The employees might be lacking some form of training, have been exhausted due to overworking, or do the bare minimum since the job does not pay well.

Nevertheless, a micro-business may suffer a loss due to poor worker performance. So it is always essential to ensure your team is passionate about the work that is done, which will, in return, contribute to the success of the business.

To ensure that you have the right employees, you must have a creative method of employing workers. You will need to be selective and conduct competent and extensive interviews. You will also need to attract the right kind of person to the interview according to the advertisement you’ll post. This might be challenging if you do it before the business is open and operating.

Employer branding will help you in these types of situations. Building a brand for employees will help magnify the values and goals of your business, attracting the correct potential candidates. You should ask yourself which things you look for in a job and how work should be done.

An effective brand for employees should meet these critical areas; a particular audience for job seekers, promote company values, recognize and reward employees, interactions between the owner and employees, and finally, a strategy for employer branding.

Having a good team will most definitely help towards the success of a business. Similar factors that excite and attract customers also excite and attract your employees. You should do this from the launch of the micro-business to when it is up and running.

7. Customer Service

Customer Service

Customer service is very crucial for the survival of a business. Therefore, you should ensure that the customer service is at the top of its game.

Having a micro business does not exempt you from good customer service. Customers will not excuse ill or rude treatment because the business is small. Therefore, you should make sure your customers are well treated and served. Since you may not have the financial muscles to compete with larger companies, this might be the only way to retain customers. Thus, creating regular customers and prosperity for the business.

The customer service team should be able to be creative and have creative ways of solving problems. After-sales services should also be available for the customers, with free deliveries being an added advantage. This will not only meet the customer’s satisfaction but give the customer a sense of value. Customer service should not only be an occasion for listening to customer’s complaints.

You should offer rewards, incentives, or bonuses to your regular customers. This will give you a chance to show how thankful you are to be associated with loyal customers. A customer service agent should not only approach customers when there is a problem. Your customers are always the most critical factor to the success of your business.

8. Adaptability

Adaptability is a significant factor for a micro business. For instance, after the global pandemic (CoronaVirus), many companies were closed because the companies could not adapt. Adaptability should not only be a case of being prepared for anticipated changes. A company should be able to change and operate in case something out of the norm occurs.

Adaptability for entrepreneur ideas means that the ideas should operate whether obstacles are there or not. A good example is companies that transitioned to offer online services earlier in 2020. As the virus was escalating and restrictions were developed, some companies also encouraged the employees to work from home. More companies joined the trend of offering online services, and almost everything could be done online. This was crucial as it helped various companies keep operating and maintain a good brand for the customers.


Adaptable companies or businesses may overcome and survive new challenges as companies have survived the CoronaVirus pandemic. The global pandemic was just an illustration of how many companies have been adaptable since the beginning of 2020. The above tips will help you develop a successful micro business in 2021. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights, and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you.


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