Digital Marketing

What is Digital Landscape Model?

Mashum Mollah 5 January, 2021
digital landscape

The Digital Landscape model is often abbreviated as DLM. It basically describes the relief of the surface of the earth in the form of topographic items. The data are being held by the state of German and are offered sometimes as freely accessible paid service.

It is one of the most modern inventions in the current digital space. As you know, data forms an important basis for so many varied tasks beginning from recreational citizen activities to planning processes. It tells you that digital landscape art has a crucial place to play in the modern business environment.

Most of the Federal States use the AED-SIDAC services in management, information provision, and updating of the digital landscape data. The solutions are all based on the present German Topographic standard;

Authoritative Topographic Cartographic Information System (ATKIS) that gets its definition from the ADV (Association of German Surveying authorities) and is also base on ISO and OGC international standards.

The national wide data for the basic digital landscape in 2021 model from the various Federal States and put together at the Federal Agency for the Cartography and Geodesy i.e. BKG. The data is then transformed to the uniform spatial reference base and it is distributed from that place. The digital lands cape model is currently available national wide. 

Current Topics in the Area Include

The first one is offering up-to-date data through the most efficient data collection procedures. For example, it can be through a topographic reporting system for all the people (crowd-sourced data) or through topographic specialists. 

The next one is the Q5 quality assurance offensive through the comparison of the real world with geodata. It is done, for example, by comparing to satellite data i.e. Copernicus land monitoring system or change detection. 

The next topic under DLM is harmonization and vertical integration with the data that comes from the real estate cadastre also known as ALKIS. The last area that it covers is separating land use and land cover. All these are the main topics that are covered under the digital landscape model. 

ATKIS Digital Landscape Models

The DLM (Digital Landscape Models) with various information densities are currently being set up within the course of the ATKIS. It is a project by the German state survey used for the standardized topographical description for the territory of the Federal Republic of Germany. You need to know each of them if you want a clear understanding of the landscape of digital art;

  • Digital landscape model 1000; DLM1000
  • Digital landscape model 250: DLM250
  • Digital, landscape model 50: DLM50
  • Digital basic landscape model: Basis – DLM

As we mentioned earlier, DLM is used to describe the topographic landscape objects and relief of the surface of the earth in the vector format. Landscape digital painting is one of the major applications of this subject matter. In this case, the objects are assigned to a particular feature type and then defined as per their relations to the other objects, descriptive attributes, geometrical type, and location in space.

Each object has its own unique identification number that is also referred to as an identifier throughout Germany. The highly responsive ATKIS Feature Type Catalogue (ATKIS-OK) stipulates the feature type that a DLM possesses and how the various objects should be formed. The ATKIS-OK forms part of ATKIS-ALKIS-AFIS documentation. Most of the GeolnfoDok is only available in Germany.

Database-Driven Cartography

Database-Driven Cartography

This is a digital landscape model that has human overrides and human representations. Most cartographic production organizations possess a strategy for building a DLM in a central database. From this, these organizations are able to derive a broad range of cartographic products.

However, in the past days, the tools for cartographic presentation and symbolization mechanisms found in the GIS software, which is used in building and maintaining the DLM, haven’t produced the human freedom and cartographic quality of directly producing the desired cartographic outputs.

Due to this, several organizations have been forced to fall back onto a workflow that is divided. In this case, the cartographic finishing stages are helpful in a publishing software that is dissociated from the central database. It is good to understand the technology, scope, and rationale of an underway project at present at ESRI to implement high-end cartography with multiple database representation.

It included the override mechanism for empowering the human cartographer for modifying representation parts and individual features without influencing the master digital landscape model date. Besides, there is no unnecessary duplication of data.

It is a project that is part of the continuous strategic direction for delivering database-driven cartography that is capable to satisfy the demanding needs of the cartographic production entities. The digital painting landscape benefits the most from this type of technology.

The Ever-Changing Digital Landscape

The Ever-Changing Digital Landscape

Close to 90% of organizations have faced some type of challenge when it comes to embracing the digital landscape. However, it is something that you cannot afford to avoid if you want to survive in the modern world. This fact highlights a pressing need for consultation and intervention.

The current speed in digital change is not a thing that we have witnessed before. Therefore, it is crucial to understand the modern ever-changing landscape if we want to plan the path ahead. Aurecon’s Our Digital Futures data survey states that the current state of play, ironically, the digital exposes the lacking of connectivity. Most organizations are now struggling with the complex nature of the digital landscape. 

Most of them don’t understand the meaning of digital and are under a lot of pressure to demonstrate financial ROI. One key area is the digital painting fantasy landscape and organizations are really grappling with this idea. The beauty of it is that the digital landscape is changing for the good even though it is becoming more complex. The digital landscapes model is just one of the top industry innovations.

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Top Organization Challenges in DLM

  • Only 5% of organizations have started to embrace the digital space 
  • Only 4% of the organizations are yet to face any challenges
  • 29% of the decision-makers do lack understanding
  • 24% of them need to show an immediate return on investment 

There is a huge financial cost of moving with the petascale infrastructure. We also have other priorities that need funding. Besides all this, the DLM has so many applications in the modern world. It is the defining element of the digital painting fantasy landscape. With the right knowledge, you can be sure of gaining so much from this technology. 

Identify Actionable Insights

The digital landscape model builds on the discoveries that were unearthed in the 2016 Digital Futures research by Aurecon. The latest insights now lay an even stronger basis for the Aurecon and people can now handle challenges and realize several possibilities that are created by these digital ways of working both now and in the future.

The insights help you to identify what you are doing now. You will also be able to answer some of the most pressing questions that relate to digital. These include;

  • How can data help you to drive better efficiency? 
  • How can you enhance clarity on the meaning of digital in your business? 
  • You are not prepared for upcoming technologies or digitalization; how can you get ready?
  • What can you do to get a better ROI?
  • How can you leverage the great power of automated power collection on the physical assets? 
  • Are you ready for the digital ways of working and if so, where do you start?
  • How will you be able to create a culture that is willing to embrace digital change?
  • Who should own your digital strategy? 
  • How does digital change your clients, competition, and market? 

There are so many challenges and barriers around digitalization and offer insights into the opportunities that the digital landscape model offers. It can work perfectly both now and in the future. The technique presents so many opportunities including the digital media landscape.


Opportunities for digital landscape

  • Improve understanding and consensus of digital. Make sure that the definition of digital is shared within organizations.
  • The other opportunity is the one that we call asset performance. You can use the digital landscape model in creating new revenue streams and showing a great return on the digital investment. The other thing is introducing automated systems for collecting data on physical asset performance. An excellent way to use this is digital landscape painting.
  • Next on our list of opportunities for the digital landscape is organizational performance. It brings revenue, people, strategy, and focus together and elevates and specifies responsibility for digital out of the singular departments and all the way to the chief digital executive.
  • Lastly is what we can refer to as connecting systems. It entails combining people, experience, and technology in order to gain a competitive advantage. You have to connect disparate platforms and systems and help them to talk to one another.

Main Issues with DLM Include;

  • Regulatory compliance 
  • Demonstration of return on investment 
  • Digital ownership 
  • Iterative digital strategy
  • Digital literacy 

Understanding Digital Better

Most organizations have an internal focus on the present and view organizational factors and analytics. Examples are creating efficiencies and changing how businesses operate. These are the major starting points of the digital journey.

Most business managers look at digital as data and analytics, transforming how people work, creating efficiency, and even creating new opportunities for business. Even though there is high pressure for a higher ROI, which directly relate to revenue streams, unlocking new value and creating new business opportunities are less resilient. This forms the basis of the digital art landscape that has a critical role to play in the market.

Currently, physical assets don’t have a major role to play among most digital strategy customers. They don’t realize that digitalization of assets can support their business objectives better and gain a competitive advantage. It means that if you only focus on digital ways to improve organizational efficiencies, you will miss an opportunity to connect assets to your business strategy, repurpose assets, and adapt and also utilize a source of differentiation.

Organizations that create string cases for business and invest in the correct digital approaches will have lower risks when it comes to demonstrating a future ROI. The starting point for most organizations is analytics. However, there is so much more potential for business.

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Driving Core Business Outcomes

Driving Core Business Outcomes

Most respondents believed that digital was a vehicle for repositioning the organization and restructuring business operations while generating new revenue was taken as the least likely outcome. The survey data displayed some concerning trends that relate to understanding and owning ‘digital’ within organizations. You need to prepare your organization to efficiently move forward in your digital journey.

Digital Strategy and Ownership

According to research, so many organizations have begun to embrace the digital landscape model. The digital ownership and responsibility are disaggregated in most of the organizations that result in the focus being only on key areas like systems or IT. It is an excellent starting place for the digital marketing landscape.

Lacking leadership leads to a limited focus on inward-facing strategies and new revenue. However, entities hire the chef digital executive to help in overseeing digital implementation and strategy. They see the opportunity that the digital landscape model presents and connect performance, strategy, ROI, and revenue much clearer. 


With all these details, you should be having a clear understanding of the digital landscape model. There are so many applications of this business strategy. However, if you still need more clarification on this topic, it is recommended to look at the digital painting landscape tutorial. You will discover that it is one of the best inventions in the modern business world. This article just gives you an overview of the meaning of this term. Very few people are yet to become confident with this term in their day to day operations. 

It is clear that digitalization has the capacity to change organizations significantly both now and in the future. Therefore, it is crucial for everyone to be prepared for the adoption of the digital landscape model. Things will never be the same when we have all people impressing this technology. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights, and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you.


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