
How To Start Future Self Journaling – Best Habit For Ever

Mashum Mollah 19 August, 2021

You may have been doing busy work to create a very new version of yourself for years now. You have practiced various techniques to position your mind & heal your body. The most powerful tool you find in life is called future journaling. It can create shifts in your own life. 

During the past months, a majority of you download and use the journal in your daily lives. Through self-journaling, many people experience self-growth, healing, and exhibit things they have always wanted. In the holistic psychologist’s future self journaling, many are seeing the benefit of this powerful tool. 

After spending over an hour a day, you may want to answer questions for future self about the self journal. Some of you may realize that you would want to write a blog post that answers the most commonly asked questions.

What Is Future Journaling?

What Is Future Journaling?

Firstly, you have to understand what a future self-journal is to understand why it is a powerful tool. Primarily, future self journaling is the process of writing a letter to future self-prompt. It all depends on you because you might write about where you want to be in a few months or years.  

Why would you journal in this type of way? Not only is journaling an excellent way to work through your ambitions and goals. Future journaling is also a great way to exercise your mind. Consequently, those who feel connected with your future are better prepared and take good care of your health.  

How You Start And Keep A Future Journal

How You Start And Keep A Future Journal

If you are new to journaling, you might find yourself struggling to begin your future journaling. It is not easy to introduce and follow a new habit into your life – it requires determination. Moreover, the practice may be long-term. The below tips will help you design a healthy habit that focuses on your future self.

Consider The Present

Consider The Present

You need to know where you have been before you get to where you are going. Take some time, to begin with, a thought on where you are present. If you are familiar with the practice, you can check the best self journal examples available on the internet or in books. What direction of your life do you wish were at variance? 

What can you do, and how can you go about starting to change now? Please make a list of patterns you would like to target and keep them in a safe and easy place to find. It will serve as inspiration for your future self journal. 

Choose And Target One Behavior

Choose And Target One Behavior

It can be overwhelming if you focus on everything in your life at the same time. The biggest mistake when it comes to self journaling is targeting all aspects of your life. While you are crafting your future, you can easily get caught in the excitement. You may end up changing everything or not achieving any of the set visions. 

The fact about journaling and life is that the slow and steady win the race – focus on one goal. On the other hand, you may set self-aware goals and choose to spend more time on things that matter in your life. You can also learn through the holistic psychologist’s future self journaling about the patterns and behaviors that you can target as time moves. 

Create Encouraging Aspirations

Create Encouraging Aspirations

Now that you have the goal you want to focus on, it is high time to make attainable oaths. A vow is a positive and robust statement that consolidates something. Even if you face difficult times during the initial times, making affirmations to yourself is a terrific way to build confidence.  

You may also be having several questions for your future self; therefore, creating many affirmations will be of great help.

Form Strategies

Form Strategies

Your future journaling focuses on the hopeful sayings that will bring positive results. Your journaling journey will require fundamental life strategies to conquer your dreams and practice each bit every day. How will you make your future self journal a reality? Think of it as a cross-over from who you are present to who you want to be in the future. 

Investigate The World Of Acknowledgement

Investigate The World Of Acknowledgement

How often do you think about the role of appreciation in your life? You can explore popular self-care blogs, read the best self-journal examples, and think of what makes you grateful. Appreciation has an enormous impact on your life. To reassess your gratitude is a powerful way to discover inspiration for your future self journal.

Create A Template

Create A Template

Several future self templates are to follow online, but you can also create your own. Similarly, you can also write a letter to future self prompt as a way of figuring out how to start your journal entries. A simple template is helpful if you are not familiar with writer’s block or have little time for self journaling.

Your journal guide does not need to be complex. It can be as simple as beginning with a declaration or sharing steps to attain your future dreams. For instance, you can also write where you want to be in a few weeks, months, or years. 

For A Successful Future Journaling, Maintain a Schedule

Maintain a Schedule

One of the challenging aspects of self journaling in any form is adhering to it. How do you find the needed motivation to write your journal frequently? Journaling every day is not necessary as you can do it weekly, monthly, or annually. It all boils down to finding the schedule that works best for you.  

Do Not Assign Meaning To Skipped Days

For some reason, it is okay if your routine does not work out as planned. The main issue is when you miss a scheduled journaling day; this can result in certain inconveniences. It is easy to jump to self-apologies, claiming that you skipped it because you are lazy. As a consequence, you may be having a habit of not finishing anything you start. 

Such a mentality does not get you anywhere – ignorance is an enemy, even to its owner. In reality, this type of thinking gets you nowhere. New habits are difficult to build but always ask questions for future self and think of every day as an opportunity to do better. Yes, things may not go as planned but that does not mean that you cannot get yourself in line. 

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights, and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you.


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