
How to Write a Pitch – 6 Best Steps to Follow in 2021

Mashum Mollah 1 March, 2021

Writing a great sales pitch that delivers you the best result is always a tough job. You might have to struggle through days and nights to come up with ideas on how to write a pitch that converts better and still cannot reach the best level.

In today’s world, your business needs the best exposure and the strongest customer interaction to thrive in the competitive market. And it is not a cup of tea for everyone to lead the competition through the best sales strategies. 

If you are reading this article, there is a high chance that you are belonging to the sales field. And the question “How to Write a Pitch for Better Sales Conversions” must be the one that has made you struggled through days and nights to come up with the best solutions but still failed.

Here we are going to discuss briefly the subject of how to write a good pitch that gives you the desired result in 2021. 

What is a Sales Pitch?

A “Pitch” is a representation, whether verbal or written, to the potential customers, investors, or anyone necessary associated with the business. Depending on the type of your necessity and targeted person or community, you should make plans on how to pitch in.

A “Sales Pitch” is a presentation that solely serves the purpose of focusing on your potential customers in order to sell your products or services. The main part of sales is to target and convince your audiences about your business services and convert them into your customers.

Why Pitching is so Important?

Learning how to pitch is very important for those working in a sales background. A sales pitch should be very precise and crisp. A salesperson hardly gets about a minute to convey his message to the customers. And in that one minute, he has to make his point clear and loud so that it grabs the customer’s attention.

Above we have briefly written the sales pitch definition in simple words. Now, it is not a very easy task to explain to people about your business in a way that makes them understand clear as well as it grows interests in them to move forward with your proposals.

You will hear people saying that a salesperson is someone who has born with it. But to be honest, it is nothing but just a myth. A salesperson is rather someone who has built the strategies and formulas to create an outstanding pitch that converts better.

Pitching rightly to your audiences is the first step to build the bond. A good pitch can make it a lifetime achievement and a bad one can close the door forever. So, writing a good pitch is a task that requires in-depth insights and a lot of perseverance in order to achieve a higher conversion rate for your business.

Here we will talk about some of the most important and effective points that every salesperson should care about when pitching a customer for the next time. These steps will help you understand the techniques better and to gain the skills on how to write a pitch. 

How to Write a Pitch – Step-By-Step Learning

Here you will have an insight on how to write a pitch for better sales and to. Learn from the experts the most effective and the best-proven pitching methods that are followed by the most successful world entrepreneurs and it will definitely set you ahead in the competition.

Have a look at the steps.

1. Have Clear Objectives –

Have clear objectives

Although a “sales pitch” sounds like simple words, it needs a different approach for different businesses and a salesperson should know all the techniques of how to write a business pitch. 

The first essential point to follow is to have a clear objective when you are pitching in. You should know what are the products or services that you want to promote. What values does it add to the customers? What advantages will it provide?

You have to make your points clear to the customers on why they should choose your brands over others. Explain to them the points that make your brand different and better than others.

This is the first and the most important point to know about before pitching your customers.

2. Pay Attention to Customer’s Intent

Pay Attention To Customers

If you want to know how to write a pitch before approaching someone for a sale, then first you have to analyze well to understand his intent. You cannot make your pitch an effective one without knowing what your customers are exactly looking for.

Understanding their needs helps you to manage them through manipulations. A good salesperson is someone who talks better to the customers, the best salesperson is someone who listens to his customers better.

People like to be cared about. When you listen to your customers and show them care, they will automatically feel that interest. Make them feel important and explain how your company can do good for them. Understanding your customers well will help you to evaluate your goals and strategies and making a solid sales strategy.

3. Refer to The Past Interaction

If you are going to deal with a customer you already had an experience with before, then there is no need to introduce yourself right from the beginning again. It will be a waste of time and a bad strategy to follow as well.

Rather make them remember the past interactions you had with them and greet them with a thank you that you had a good experience. Show them respect and make them feel special. Greeting your customers will make your bond even stronger with them. 

Retaining your existing customers is an essential matter to take care of. While a new sales pitch helps to gain new audiences but a salesperson should also know how to write a pitch when addressing existing customers.

As a pitch letter example-

Past Interaction

4. Build Around a Good Story

A good story is a thing that everybody loves to hear. And developing your sales presentation around a good story would make it more attractive for the audience. Storytelling is a very effective technique if you really want to learn how to write a pitch.

A story gives your pitch a vibe of reality and makes it more interactive. When people hear a story about a brand it makes them feel more real and familiar. A story evokes emotional attachments towards the particular person or the brand mentioned in the presentation.

As an example – You can tell your customers the way your company started its journey and the struggles that it had gone through. You can make them realize how your company adds value to people’s lives and how they serve their customers as a family.

5. Keep It Short 

When you are creating a sales pitch, the question that can arise in your mind is, how long should a pitch be? 

Although there is a lot of points to keep in mind while creating a pitch, you should not make it too long as well. Remember as a salesperson you would have utmost 1-2 mins. And you have concise your message in between that.

So, rather than trying to tell about all the features and highlights of your company, you should focus on the major 2-3 points that would both describe your intentions and grab their attention too. If they further feel interested, then you will have the time to elaborate more.

Creating short pitching templates is one of the best steps to learn how to write a pitch and it is highly necessary for a successful business campaign.

As an example, you can see the global brands coming up with a brand message or pitch in a sentence.

keep short pitch

6. Make Your Pitch Using Data

Data is a great way of precisely showing the statistics of your company. Data is not only the most practical way to showcase your company performance, but it is very short and crisp as well. 

People easily feel interested when they are shown data. It grabs the audience’s attraction in the most effective manner. As a result of it, you can see many businesses showing relatable business data like number of customers, number of reviews, number of places they serve, number of employees, and many more.

These data create the authenticity of your brand in the eyes of the audience. And as a sales pitch should be precise and to-the-point, making a presentation using data would be the best voice for that.

Conclusion – 

The above-mentioned points are the most basic and effective steps to learn how to write a pitch. The pitch is the first impression that you carry about your company. Your pitch conveys the message that is necessary to let your audience know about. 

An attractive and short pitch is the most effective one that can convert your leads. Making a long pitch would simply make your audience bore and less interested. Maintaining these 6 points would definitely serve you with a better result.

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Mashum Mollah

Mashum Mollah is a tech entrepreneur by profession and passionate blogger by heart. He is on a mission to help small businesses grow online. He shares his journey, insights, and experiences in this blog. If you are an entrepreneur, digital marketing professional, or simply an info-holic, then this blog is for you.


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